Contact Information

Birthday Information

Select your desired Party Add-Ons - number of items to be confirmed with birthday party coordinator at booking confirmation.

We will follow up with your add-on requests by providing a quote based on your completed information in this form.

Dietary Restrictions (Select all That Apply)

Allergies (Select all That Apply)

Party Information

Birthday Child's Age


*Parties are recommended for children 3-10 years.

Estimate Number of Attendee

Desired Time of Birthday Party (Subject to availability)

How did you hear about us? (Check all that apply.)


Swirling Pinstripe backdrop

Woah! The Aquarium sounds like alotl fun! But what are you doing all the way down here with the axolotls – some of the most secretive salamanders in the world?!

Did you know out of more than 800 salamander species that exist, only about 22 can be found in Canada?