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Tropical Rainforest

Come face-to-face with amphibians like axolotl, iguanas, and other reptiles of the rainforest!

What Will You Discover?

Stroll through this leafy refuge where you're sure to cross paths with Madagascar giant day geckos zipping by, green iguanas exploring their surroundings, and a bearded dragon or two just hanging around!

Green Iguana Green Iguana

Green Iguana

Though not always green, the green iguana is commonly found in the forest canopy eating or basking in the sun, which increases their body temperature and aids digestion. Iguana prefer to be near water and are excellent swimmers, especially when escaping predators.


Up to 6 feet


Leaves, fruit, flowers, insects


Southern Mexico to central Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and the Caribbean

Did You Know?

Though becoming rare in parts of its native range, invasive iguana populations are thriving in many tropical and subtropical areas including Southeast Asia and the southern United States.

Bearded Dragon Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon thrives in the hot and dry climate of Australia's deserts, savannas, scrublands, and woodlands. These spiky lizards use their sticky tongue, strong jaws and swiftness to capture just about any prey item they can fit in their mouth, after which they typically find a nice sunny spot to bask.


Up to 24 inches


Southeast Australia


Small mammals, reptiles, insects, flowers, fruits

Did You Know?

The skin of bearded dragons contain specialized cells called chromatophores, which are able to rapidly change the density of pigment molecules within the cell, thereby changing the overall color of the lizard’s skin. The same color changing cells are utilized in many fish species, octopus, and chameleons.

Axolotl Axolotl


The word "axolotl" originates from the ancient Aztec language, translated to mean "water-dog", these endearing aquatic salamanders are characterized by three pairs of external gill stalks behind their head used to uptake oxygen from the water.

Conservation Status

Critically Endangered


Lakes of Mexican Central Valley


Mollusks, fish, crustaceans, insects

Did You Know?

The enigmatic axolotl is an odd conservation story, as they are nearly extinct in the wild due to habitat destruction, and yet there may be a million or more in captivity, many of which are used in developmental research. Nearly all modern day captive axolotls can be traced back to just a handful of animals shipped from Mexico to France in 1864.

Swirling Pinstripe backdrop

Woah! The aquarium sounds like alotl fun! But what are you doing all the way down here with the axolotls – some of the most secretive salamanders in the world?!

Did you know the spotted salamander is the state amphibian of South Carolina? It earned the title in 1999 thanks to a campaign led by a class of Spartanburg third graders.