Sabrina Sieck

Sabrina Sieck

Keeping it weird since 2014, Sabrina began as Ripley’s Lead Researcher, filling each book and cartoon panel with all-new and all-true stories. From cannibalism to cat telephones, Sabrina has written and hosted heaps of content for Ripley’s, making her the most unpredictable guest at your dinner party. We suggest you leave her invitation at home though, as she will happily taste test any curious cuisine she covers—from Carolina Reaper peppers to Surströmming and cuy cocktails (that’s guinea pig blood… don’t get her started on leech facials, either)!

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Swirling Pinstripe backdrop
Ripley's Cartoon of the Day

January 23, 2025

Cartoon of the Day

Inchconnachan is an island off Scotland where wallabies have happily lived, adapting to the climate since the 1940s.

Ripley's Cartoon of the Day

Robert Ripley began the Believe It or Not! cartoon in 1918. Today, Kieran Castaño is the eighth artist to continue the legacy of illustrating the world's longest-running syndicated cartoon!